A human student’s reflection on Generative AI

I love the faces of human

It brightens, freezes, grins, pouts, rages, tickles, tingles, twitches and wrinkles

for telling our ancestral stories of zillion years

The human art of questioning is the codebook of knowing

Ask me so that I navigate the trails unbeknownst to me

Tell me so that I wonder

The complexity of human thinking is like…

revisiting an old site for untouched treasures,

knowing how the clock speaks,

filling lonely colours onto an empty canvas,

taking apart then tying together beads in different tones,

picking the toughest stones to build a cave,

and, making ear-pleasing sounds with strings of words and musical notes

The inches to a better human put on my curious gaze with its articulate voice

Tell me who you are in your human web, and I will know who I could be to your eyes

Ask how big the world can be as you crawl back to the abstractness of humankind

Treading the labyrinths on earth like it is a staircase or a mountain range is part of what human is all about

The spectrum of human condition gives me a glimpse of the common plights,

calling me and you to hold the hand of the rich and the hand of the poor,

as we walk away from our tears and blood, pain and fear

The self-reflective human path is not all the lonelier,

if we talk with the background hums of our technological tools

I dread the drumbeats in my human heart that inclines to right all my wrongs,

yet a machine’s voice sounds less intimidating than a teacher’s

Finding human ways with a machine assistant proved to be fascinating,

but the human-built swings for knowledge are not the ultimate angles,

for the feats we take are unceasingly expanding,

and the things we make are what we make it

p.s.: My Viva-Voce presentation is yet to happen, so I signed up for some classes on education with AI on Coursera. This is my reflective note from the learning experience. I believe that it is useful for my future work experience.

Photo by Clara Ngo on Pexels.com

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